Oct/Nov/Dec 2023 Implement How Micah Galindo Went from Underdog to Leader Jennifer Quinn Finds What’s Important Karen Morao Accepts the Challenge Evaluate Chris Bugel Manages Expectations Ed Diggs Hones His Craft Joy Langford Isn’t Afraid to Take a Risk Natalie Troilo Leads with Confidence and Acts with Humility Stephanie Miller Rolls with the Punches Feature Afigo Fadahunsi Knows Exactly Who She Is Alex Frisbie Protects Inventors and Customers It’s Never Too Late for Tao Zhang Jeff Tang Enjoys His Front Row Seat in IP Richard Leach Marries a Love of Electronics and a Love of the Law Focus Beth Wendle Dives in at DoorDash Tasha Grinnell Is an Empathetic Leader Lead Dawn Ehlers Leads from the Back, Not the Front John Bisordi is Culturally Aligned Mick Dragash Goes from Shipping Dock to Boardroom Seth Jewell Navigates a New Plaintiff Bar Climate Theresa McManus Becerril Is a Trendsetter in Her Own Right Pivot John Kim Invests in the Future of His Company and Community John Poliak Turns Technology into Business Juliette Campbell Satisfies Both Sides with Empathy Paul Noonan Finds New Ways to Perform E-Discovery Post-Pandemic Tania Kricfalusi Lives the Life Lawyers Play on TV By Rebecca Kang Previous Article Next Article