Alex Frisbie Protects Inventors and Customers
Alex Frisbie has an unrivaled IP career, but her willingness to step outside her comfort zone inspires her work as associate director of IP at Carrier

Jeff Tang Enjoys His Front Row Seat in IP
As senior counsel of intellectual property at Circle, Jeff Tang thrives on the excitement and innovation of a start-up
“I enjoy helping other people recognize and utilize their talents, and ensuring they discover their full potential, so they can be the best version of themselves.”
–tao zhang

It’s Never Too Late for Tao Zhang
Throughout her decades-long career, Tao Zhang of Juniper Networks has never shied away from following her passions, even if it meant taking on new challenges and responsibilities

Richard Leach Marries a Love of Electronics and a Love of the Law
With a degree in microelectronic engineering, an MBA, and a JD, Richard Leach is well-equipped to oversee intellectual property at Bosch
On the Cover
Rich Butler Resists the Corporate Ladder
Rich Butler credits commitment, passion, and strong problem-solving skills for much of his success as director of patents at Netflix
Photos by Cass Davis
Photo Credits: Cara Paiuk (Frisbie), Scott Dressel-Marin (Tang), Michael Hawk (Zhang), Courtesy of Richard Leach (Leach)