The Purpose Issue

Eight executives take us into the why behind their work and how they align their professional lives with personal values




Elena Stein Puts People First at Dyson

Elena Stein shares her journey to law, her leadership philosophy, and her proudest moments from her tenure as general counsel

By Noah JohnsonPhoto + Video by Cass Davis

We are in a unique position to have a transformative impact on the next generation of people who will practice law.”

– Lisa M. Kpor, United Airlines


Melaina Cecilia de la Cruz

Rebecca Kang

Photo Manager + Video Director
Cass Davis

Web Developer
Jose Reinaldo Montoya

Contributing Photo Editor
Sarah K. Joyce

Photo Credits
Kinda Arzon (Kpor), Terrence F. Humphrey (Sharpe), Courtesy of Erin Young (Young), Handen Delamater (Pruett), Snappr (Nolet), Adrian Kadir (Bolden), Camille Hughes (Jeter), Yevgeniy Koval (King)